Quick Guide: On Rogero 4.30 v2.3
1. Download and install New reActPSN v2.23 CFW341-421(works great Rogero 4.30 v2.3)-LINK!!-
2. Setup USB in root create a new folder named exdata and download the .RAP file(s) you want to use, and put them in the folder
3. Download the Activation .PKG and put in root of USB and install it on the PS3.
4. NOW put the USB, this is a MUST DO! The FIRST USB-PORT FROM RIGHT, the one closest to BLU-RAY Drive
5. Create a new PS3 Account name it "aa" (no you do not have to login to it)
Now run reActPSN v2.23 you do NOT need to hold in any buttons just let
it run and it will restart ur PS3, ignore the error message just press O
7. If it all went well your "aa" acount would have now renamed it self to Reactpsn........ Thats it ur DONE!!
-Now just use your Main account to enjoy this you do not use the aa account ever, its just for activating .RAP files-
(plus important do not delete the account, or you have to do it all over again)